Secure Choich ATM Machines
Now today’s ,people don’t even think twice about using ATM’s. But how many people actually think about the security risks involved in using them? How many people think about the potentials for fraud and crime that ATMs introduce? The answer is probably not many, since these transactions are so common now. But as the use of ATMs is on the rise, so is the number of crimes involving in Bank ATMs.
According to industry estimates, over 2.3 million ATMs around the world of which 75,000 are reported to be ATMs in India. Because ATMs are a part of our daily lives by allowing us access to cash and other financial information, it’s important that we understand the security risks and the measures in place to protect our Money. With the growth of the use of ATMs there has also been a dramatic increase in ATM Crime attacks and fraud. ATM physical attacks are carried out with the intention of gaining access to the cash within the ATM safe or the ATM security enclosure. Some of the most common methods include ram raids, explosive attacks (gas and non-gas) and cutting (e.g. rotary saw, blow torch, thermal lance, diamond drill).
Taking these things into consideration Everest Security Pvt. Ltd. with Israeli technology has come up with a unique and advanced security systems for banking sectors securing ATM machines for ATM centres.ATM Black Box is a GSM/GPRS based real time security system that monitors and controls ATM centre and problems stated above. It sends alert to the Everest Security Pvt. Ltd’s Online Monitoring Central Station in case of intrusion occurred due to fire, vibration, door open and motion. Everest Security Pvt. Ltd. comes with life support feature like Wireless Panic Switch, which can be used by the guard in case of emergency. It is also integrated with the biometric based attendance system wherein the guard’s attendance will be recorded to minimize the time theft.
Protecting ATM with Israeli Security Technology

We offer to Bank….
Everest Security offers a plethora of security features, including a motion sensor to detect if the ATM has been tilted or moved from its existing location using GPS. Any attempt to remove or break into the ATM triggers 120db sirens, which are extremely loud and can garner attention quickly, forcing thieves to abandon the attempt and leave empty handed. Additionally, when the alarm is triggered, the Everest Security Pvt Ltd’s Online Central Monitoring Station receives real time massage an instant Alert about the situation including Video/location/Alarm.
ATM Protection Concept Everest Security Under Online Israeli Technology

Online Central Monitoring Station with Israeli Security Technology for ATM Protection against Theft and Fraud.
ATM security goes beyond just video surveillance. Everest Security Pvt. Ltd. under Israeli Security Technology components combine to provide video surveillance with digital recording. In addition, ATM transaction text is captured and stored with the video. This allows reviewers to quickly identify persons involved in events such as a robbery, Theft or to scrutinize transactions to counter attempted fraud.
Digital Recording for ATM.
Digital recorders are ideal for stand- alone ATMs. The increased record duration of a digital recorder (over time- lapse VCRs) and the ability to record continuously by automatically overwriting the oldest recorded video is beneficial to ATM environments, where the unit may be left unattended for days.
Tape catalogs are eliminated, and Ethernet compatible digital recorders allow the user to view live and recorder video remotely. Digital recorders such as the DVMRe-16CT can record up to 16 cameras, but where less cameras are needed the four channel DVMRe-4CT provides a cost effective solution.
Capturing Transaction Text.
The PT DVR is capable of capturing ASCII text data transmitted by an ATM during a transaction. This feature is useful for identifying people in transaction video. The DVMRe uses a Pro Bridge 3 ATM interface to capture the text transmitted by the ATM. Once captured and translated, the data is inputted to the PT DVR via the RS-232 port 2. The PT DVR assigns the data to a camera based on settings made to the Pro Bridge unit, then stores the data with the associated video file.
Viewing Transaction Text.
Once the text data has been recorded with the video, the user can search for alphanumeric text strings from either the front panel of the PT DVR or the WaveReader software. Once the search is complete, the user can view the video associated with that transaction. Because the video is recorded digitally, the search function quickly locates the video without having to manually search with fast forward or rewind.
EVEREST SECURITY Offer ATM Security System
Basic Needs :
The System :
The Detection:
The Z-1:
We Everest Security Pvt. Ltd. Prices :
Please note the following
a) LSVT Unit quantities are according to the site.
b) The DVR can support up to 4 cameras according to the site.

Online Security Services For Banks

GPRS For Logistics Transport

Employees Tracking systems